Do I Qualify?
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The Subsequent Injury Benefit Trust Fund (SIBTF) is a program that provides benefits to individuals with pre-existing disabilities who suffer subsequent work-related injuries. The program is designed to encourage employers to hire individuals with disabilities by limiting their liability for workers' compensation claims.
To qualify for SIBTF benefits, an employee must have a prior or partial disability and a subsequent compensable injury. The resulting disability must be equal to or greater than 70% and must be caused by the combination of the pre-existing disability and the subsequent injury.
The specific requirements for eligibility and benefits vary by state and can be found in each state's regulations. In general, SIBTF benefits can provide financial assistance for medical treatment, lost wages, and vocational rehabilitation.
It is important to note that the process of applying for and receiving SIBTF benefits can be complex and requires specific documentation and medical evaluations. It is recommended that individuals seeking SIBTF benefits consult with a qualified attorney or advocate who can help navigate the application process.